After a carefully constructed teaser campaign Olympus has officially launched the E-P1, its first Micro Four Thirds camera and the worst kept secret in the photography industry, thanks to a deluge of leaked information ahead of launch. It's a compact mirrorless interchangeable lens camera that mimics the styling of the company's Pen range that was popular in the 1960s and 70s. The camera is built around an image-stabilized 12 megapixel sensor and incorporates a 3.0" LCD. The E-P1 is available with a 14-42mm kit lens that retracts into its barrel when not in use, much like the lens of a compact camera. Check out our full hands-on preview after the link.
Update: Second gallery of shots from the European launch in Berlin, including the new 17mm pancake lens now added.
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看膩了總是黑黑一台,卻又重的要命的數位單眼了嗎?這次Olympus要給大家不一樣的DSLR,Olympus E-P1擁有一千二百萬畫素,外殼採用金屬打造,搭配全新開發的17mm F2.8 Micro 4/3餅乾鏡,一看到會讓人誤以為是一般的消費型數位相機,但其實它是一台不折不扣的數位單眼,只要裝上轉接環,一樣可以裝上長鏡頭,變成專業級的DSLR。
其實我一開始看到Olympus E-P1的消息是在雜誌上,當時就覺得,哇!好經典復古的造型,重點是,很輕巧!這真的是一改大家對於數位單眼的刻板印象,有時候,我覺得產品可貴的地方就是在有所突破,並不一定要把所有規格做到最高階,但是有突破有創意是件很讓人欣賞的事情,也許有人會說,這樣的產品,Leica的M系列就做到啦,有什麼稀奇的?嗯,是沒錯,但是並不是每個人都負擔的起Leica動不動就是十幾萬的高價位,Olympus E-P1雖然也要價兩三萬大洋,但是相對於M系列來說,真的是便宜非常多,也讓希望擁有輕巧單眼的玩家提供另外的一個選擇。
嗯,想要多了解Olympus E-P1的人可以看看下面的介紹文章,說不定它有機會成為你的新玩具也不一定喔! :)
1.Olympus E-P1首部Micro 4/3相機 搶鮮體驗
2.Olympus E-P1正式發表
3.Olympus E-P1隨拍樣本
4.Mobile 01上面的勸敗文:E-P1入手寫真分享
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