Leica has officially revealed the M9 - a full frame version of its M-mount rangefinder. The Leica M9, with its 24 x 36mm, 18 megapixel sensor is, according to the company: 'the world's smallest full-frame system camera.' The body is available in a new 'Steel Gray' finish and offers minor button re-arrangement over the M8 - all the major changes relate to the internals. The Kodak-developed CCD sensor features improved offset microlenses to optimize performance at the edges of the frame along with a sensor cover with improved filtering of infrared light so lens-mounted IR filters are no longer needed. Most importantly, the 35mm film-sized sensor means every Leica M-mount lens provides the originally intended field of view.
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對於Leica迷來說,M9終於是千呼萬喚始出來,但是,一看到它的售價(USD $6,995!),嗯,還是算了吧,這對我來說只是一台可遠觀而不可褻玩焉的名器。況且,如果我有這樣的預算,我寧可拿去買Canon 1D Mark系列的機皇。
當然啦,一定會有資深相機迷說,玩攝影的人,擁有一台Leica是一定要的,嗯,但那真的是建立在銀彈充足的情況下才能擁有這樣的"玩具",不然M系列的機種,每台都是動輒二十幾萬台幣的售價,這怎麼受的了呀~ @@
PS:有錢大爺Weibo快去go一台吧~ 到時候再借我把玩一下就好~ XD
1 意見:
It's my dream to buy Leica, but now....D40 is enough for me.