最近發現了一款還不錯的遊戲《Torchlight》(暫譯:火炬之光),操作介面與多年前爆紅的《暗黑破壞神》非常類似,因為開發《Torchlight》這款遊戲的團隊Runic Games大多數成員都是來自以前參與 《暗黑破壞神》系列遊戲開發團隊的人員,據說《Torchlight》這款遊戲是為了挑戰《暗黑破壞神3》所設計出來的。
An endless wanderer, who is drawn to conflict with his dual-welding blades, was led to Torchlight after hearing of the evils befallen it. Through channeling the power of his ancestors, the Destroyer excels at close-quarter combat and is able to smite his foes with such ferocity as to easily dispatch multiple enemies at once. With a strong sense of virtue, the Destroyer sets out to deal justice with his blades, but things may not be as simple in Torchlight as they appear.
With a darkness rising to cloud the Destroyer’s judgment, only time will tell whether or not the draw of Ember will tempt his soul into corruption.
Drawn to the power of Ember as a cornerstone of his magical art, the Alchemist came to Torchlight for his own ends. Being the largest cache of Ember ever found, the temptation may lead the Alchemist never being able to break free of its influence and ultimately to his downfall. The power of Ember is beyond imagining, but the price is very high.
By channeling the power of Ember, the Alchemist is able to dispatch enemies from afar as well as summon minions to his aid.
Part of an ancient order dedicated to justice and bringing balance to the world, the Vanquisher was sent out to Torchlight to investigate the mysterious slayings and missing town folks. Unknown to her, the darkness below the small town of Torchlight runs far deeper than the mines beneath. As an expert marksman, the Vanquisher is able to take enemies from afar as well as use traps to confuse and deliberate her foes from all directions.
The flow of Ember and the darkness below will test the Vanquisher’s skill and conviction to the fullest.
最近我有小小的試玩一下,感覺還不賴,不過我以前沒有玩過《暗黑破壞神》系列,只看過當時的室友瘋狂的打寶練功 XD 所以我不知道跟暗黑比起來到底哪個比較優,至少我覺得《Torchlight》這款遊戲還OK就是了,而且遊戲要求的系統也不會很高,像我這台用了五、六年的P4電腦都還跑的動,有興趣的人可以去下載單機板來試玩看看。
PS:目前聽說《Torchlight》正式的網路版本要到明年才有可能會推出,而且還不知道台灣會不會引進 @@ 不過《暗黑破壞神3》好像還要等更久(據說是2011年),所以《Torchlight》加減玩一下其實也不錯。
《Torchlight》Demo Download:

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