這次入荷的是Air Jordan SPIZ'IKE "Do The Right Thing"這雙,如果沒有記錯的話,應該是去年的九月左右上市的,台灣限量上市價:NT $5,600,不過我"只"花了4,100就入手了(講的好像很便宜一樣 XD),但是可以省這麼多,我還是覺得很爽!等待是有代價的。


鞋扣則是與Air Jordan 5代相同,鞋舌採用的是Air Jordan 6代的經典設計

主要是由一些與導演Spike Lee相關精神字句所組成的象皮紋

有關Spike Lee的電影:Do The Right Thing

In 1999, the film was deemed "culturally significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. A Criterion Collection DVD of Do the Right Thing has been released: it is no. 97 in the Criterion series. In 2007, the American Film Institute listed the film as the 96th greatest American Movie in Film History.
The song "Fight the Power" by Public Enemy is a recurring aural motif in the film, as blasted from a huge ghetto blaster toted by Radio Raheem (Nunn). It appears 15 times in the film.
Do the Right Thing remains one of the few films to retain a 100% "Fresh" rating on the critics' site Rotten Tomatoes.
這不單單只是一雙Jordan Brand的球鞋而已,透過與Spike Lee的合作,也間接的表達出這位導演所想要傳達的精神,希望過去種族衝突的悲劇可以永遠不要再發生。
3 意見:
跟您這房地產小開比起來,我只是小巫見大巫呀 XDD