Posted by Bart on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Earlier we thought we had a problem with our maps. Our maps are fine, in turns out someone or something is trying really hard to make them unavailable to everyone else through a DDos attack. Maps will be back shortly as we implement something so this doesn't happen again. Hmmm, can anyone guess who it might be? Start by reading our digg and TC comments, and as Chloe O'brian might do: cross reference. ;)
Below I've attached our outgoing b/w graph, notice how for yesterday (Tuesday) it's higher than usual, because of Digg, TC and Cnet? Even with all that going on, still no problems. Then this fine Wednesday morning comes around, and for no particular reason we start to nearly triple server throughput since yesterday - within a matter of minutes:

This temporarily slowed down all of our services. And as far as I know, Google hasn't added our widget... yet. hehe
暫時Map Out的功能掛點了 @@ 看看什麼時候會修好吧~~
不過整片空白的畫面還真醜 =.=||
1 意見:
終於修好了,呼~可是之前的紀錄好像也都沒了 =.=||